The most useful literary stand-by to systems theory is the _General Systems Yearbook_, published by the Society for General Systems Research, Bedford, Massachusetts. For the years prior to 1964, Young (1964), has provided us with a guide telling which authors have concerned themselves with which concepts and, conversely, which concepts leading authors have concerned themselves with. In using this source the reader does need to bear in mind its tendency to be a-historical, to be faddish, and to regard a mathematical formula as an adequate substitute for a conceptual definition.
W. Buckley, _Sociology and Modern Systems Theory_, Prentice-Hall, 1966. M. L. Cadwallader, 'The cybernetic analysis of change in complex social organizations', _American Journal of Sociology_, vol. 65 (1959-60), pp. 154-7. D. Easton, _A Systems Analysis of Political Life_, Wiley, 1958. R. R. Grinker (ed.), _Toward a Unified Theory of Human Behavior_, Basic Books, 1965. M. Haire, 'Biological models', in M. Haire (ed.), _Modern Organization Theory_, Wiley, 1959. P. Herbst, 'A theory of simple behavior systems', _Human Relations_, vol. 14 (1961), pp. 71-94. O. Lange, _Wholes and Parts: A General Theory of System Behavior_, Pergamon, 1965. (Translated from the Polish by E. Lejsa.) J. March and H. Simon, _Organizations_, Wiley, 1958. M. Toda, 'Design of a fungus-eater: a model of human behavior in an unsophisticated environment', _Behavioral Science_, vol. 7 (1962), pp. 164-83. G. Vickers, _Towards a Sociology of Management_, Basic Books, 1967. W. G. Walter, _The Living Brain_, Duckworth, 1953; Penguin, 1961. O. R. Young, 'A survey of general systems theory', _General Systems_, vol. 9 (1964), Society for General Systems Research, pp. 61-80. [p. 389]